
Showing posts from December, 2023

HCI Project Part 3

  "Project Part 3 "   Developing alternative designs "Conceptual & Physical Design" Storyboards Task 1:  Notifying about bringing books & materials Task 2:  Giving homework feedback Task 3:  Give extra homework to academically weak students Alternative Designs The images below contain the votes of each member in different colors.  Radowan's Designs: Muaz's Designs: Tuhin's Designs: Taimon's Designs: Sami's Designs: Wireframes Task 1:  Notifying about bringing books & materials For Teacher - Justification:         Similarity:       The tabs on the teacher's home page exhibit the principle of similarity, as they share a consistent style, emphasizing their collective functionality. Each tab, prominently displayed and adorned with a uniform design, signals its role in the teacher's primary tasks within the system. Notably, the tabs for "Give Homework" and "Materials" showcase similar visual characteristics, rei

HCI Project Part 2

"Project Part 2 " Establishing Requirements "Gathering Requirements - User Analysis" Proposed tasks Give extra homework to academically weak students   Notify students about homework Notify students about bringing the right textbooks The Personas Mr. Amir Bin Alif          "Archetype" Age: 45-55 Lives in Kuala Lumpur Is a teacher Busy work schedule Takes many classes per day About them Mr. Amir is a hardworking teacher who cares a lot about his students. He wants them to perform well on their studies, and he is especially worried about the weak students. So, he wants a system that can allow him to give extra homework to those students. He also wants an efficient system that to inform the students about their homework, the materials they need to bring in class and a way to monitor their behavior through merit points. The Teacher- Hears: Students saying, “I forgot my books.” Students saying “I didn’t bring [material]” Students saying, “I forgot what the home