Interactive Individuals 

Tahsin Masnoon Sami:
 My name is Tahsin Masnoon Sami. I'm currently taking my Human Computer Interaction in Year 2 Semester 2 in University Technology Malaysia under Software Engineering Department. We are here at the beginning of the HCI project and hopefully we can bring out a better result with the project.

SM Tuhin: Hello.
This is S M Tuhin. I am an international student in UTM KL. I am from Bangladesh. Currently I am in 2nd year 4th semester. I like to learn new technologies and explore new AI Tools. 

Radowan Ahmed Baized: I am a Bangladeshi studying at the UTMKL of Malaysia. A software engineering student currently in my 3rd semester. I love technology and science, and the Human Computer Interaction course I am doing now is very interesting. 

Group name description: We are studying HCI (Human Computer Interactions) which is about the techniques used to make the usage of computers more suitable for the relevant users. Our group works
on maximizing the interactive prowess of software systems, and we ourselves are quite "interactive". Hence, "Interactive Individuals"😏. 


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